Welcome to my 2019 fat academic year in review (check out my 2018 review for the value of engaging in such a practice). I began the year with a promotion to Senior Lecturer R2, which was very exciting. Getting “over the bar” from R1 to R2 is a tough hurdle and one that many struggle to “leap”. I am officially a midcareer academic, with almost as many academic years behind me as I can expect in front of me. As a Fat Studies scholar, I am often without a proper academic home/discipline in scholarly spaces, but I continue my work. Keeping the lives of fat people at the centre of my scholarship is key for me as I work to achieve my hope for fat futures.
I am very excited that later this year, I’m hosting Fat Studies: Past, Present, Futures at Massey University in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the CFP; I do hope you can join us in person or through the streaming option.
Journal articles
Pausé, C. J. (2019). Get together: Fat kids and physical education. Health Education Journal, 78(60), 662-669.
Parker, G. & Pausé, C. J. (2019). Productive but not constructive: The work of shame in the affective governance of fat pregnancy. Feminism & Psychology, 29(2), 250-268.
Pausé, C. (2019). Frozen: A fat tale of immigration. Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight & Society, 8(1), 44-59.
Book chapters
Parker, G. C., Pausé, C. J, & Le Grice, J. (2019). “You’re just another friggin’ number to add to the problem”: Constructing the racialized (m)other in contemporary discourses of pregnancy fatness. In M. Friedman, C. Rice & J. Rinaldi (Eds.), Thickening fat: Fat bodies, intersectionality and social justice (pp. ). New York: Routledge.

Me & my copy of Body Battlegrounds; very pleased to have contributed a chapter about my fat positive radio show for the 2nd edition
Pausé, C. J. (2019). Everybody: Making fat radio for all of us. In C. Bobel & S. Kwan (Eds.), Body battlegrounds: Transgressions, tensions, and transformations (pp. 171-173). Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.

Me & my copy of Happy Fat
*Not a book chapter, but I was thrilled to be a footnote in Sofie Hagen’s new book, Happy Fat
I was awarded an internal research grant to explore the experience of fat people in the healthcare system in New Zealand.
Conference symposium
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 5 December). Fattening up Sociology. In A. Simpson (Chair), Fat Studies. Symposium conducted at the Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal reviews
Women’s Studies in Communication
Health Education Journal
Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight & Society
Social Media + Society
Invited seminars
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 18 July). Queering fat therapy. Workshop conducted for the student counselling team, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 28 June). Fat stigma, discrimination, and bias: Implications for practice. Invited plenary talk at the Renal Society of Australasia conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Hoffnung, M., Hoffnung, R. J., Seifertm K. L., Hine, A., Ward, L., & Pausé, C. J., Swabey, K., Yates, K., & Burton Smith, R. (2019). Lifespan Development (4th Australasian Ed). Queensland, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.
Invited lectures (Fat Studies)
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 3 April). Ethics, fat stigma, and you. GENA737 Obesity Prevention and Management [12]. University of Otago Medical School, New Zealand.
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 1 April). Express yourself: Fat resistance on film. 230.110 Tūrangawaewae: Identity & Belonging in Aotearoa NZ [75]. Massey University, New Zealand.
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 20 March). Fattening up feminism. 175.720 Advanced Psychology of Women [35]. Massey University, New Zealand.

FOM celebrated being on the air EIGHT years in 2019!
Pausé, C. J. (2011-). Friend of Marilyn. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from iTunes. Produced weekly as a radio show on Manawatu People’s Radio 999AM, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Media engagements
Rääbus, C. (2019, 16 Dec). What does fat shaming and weight discrimination do to your health? ABC Life [Online]. Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/life/health-impacts-of-weight-stigma-and-fatphobia/11728522
Du Plessis-Allan Drive, H. (2019, 7 November). “Ice cream makes you happy” sign taken down after complaint. NewstalkZB. Retrieved from https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/heather-du-plessis-allan-drive/audio/dr-cat-pause-ice-cream-makes-you-happy-sign-taken-down-after-complaint/
Borissenko, S. (2019, 20 October). Fat people earn less, don’t get promoted and face public shaming. New Zealand Herald [Online]. Retrieved from https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12278108&fbclid=IwAR3GGPQ1Gpq3q3iVeoZOxhUBebUmvBKI_FOj0T4FTYx_tUvPd8BeCXMq8Sc
Moore, R. (2019, 13 June). Critics of new plus-size mannequins called out for ‘fat phobia’, experts defend Nike’s messaging. 1 News Now [Online], Retrieved from https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/critics-new-plus-sized-mannequins-called-fat-phobia-experts-defend-nikes-messaging

It was cool to invited back onto The Project; this time with enough time to plan my outfit. Made sure to wear the “Fat” necklace from Fancy Lady Industries.
The Project. (2019, 7 June). The language of fat. TV3.
McMillan, V. (2019, 8 May). With society steeped in anti-fat bias, keep the patient’s agenda to the fore. New Zealand Doctor [Online]. Retrieved from https://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/article/print-archive/society-steeped-anti-fat-bias-keep-patients-agenda-fore
Nicholls, B. (2019, 11 April). Early Mornings with Barry Nicholls, ABC Radio Perth [Online].

This fantastic story made the front webpage of the NZ Herald.
Arnold, N. (2019, 30 March). Fat? Why your body is not a problem to be fixed. Canvas Magazine, New Zealand Herald [Online] Retrieved from https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=12216770
Winter, V. (2019, 21 March). The problem with Playboy and body positivity. SBS The Feed. Retrieved from https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-feed/this-cultural-moment-is-being-exploited-the-problem-with-playboy-and-body-positivity
Online publications

Very excited that a piece I wrote for The Conversation on fat stigma and language was picked up and re-posted by several media outlets across Oceania
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 15 October). Changing the terminology to ‘people with obesity’ won’t reduce stigma against fat people. The Conversation [Online]. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/changing-the-terminology-to-people-with-obesity-wont-reduce-stigma-against-fat-people-124266
*Reposted by ABC (Australia), Otago Daily Times (New Zealand), Stuff (New Zealand), Whimn (Australia)
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 11 October). I’ve had enough, thanks: Why I’m not watching Netflix’s Insatiable. The Spinoff [Online]. Retrieved from https://thespinoff.co.nz/tv/11-10-2019/ive-had-enough-thanks-why-im-not-watching-netflixs-insatiable/
Pausé, C. J. (2019, 27 April). There’s a problem with one of the characters in Avengers: Endgame. The Spinoff [Online]. Retrieved from https://thespinoff.co.nz/media/27-04-2019/theres-a-serious-problem-with-one-of-the-characters-in-avengers-endgame/
via Friend of Marilyn https://ift.tt/2tIJygy