I had the best fucking time last night 100% on my own at home! I had started the day a it early, well, for a Sunday. One of my besties is in
Little Shop of Horrors in Gilroy, his show was at 2pm, but we wanted to eat and have a fun day of it before that time. So we hit up a fun breakfast place in San Jose before hitting the road south. We decided to hit up a couple of wineries for some tastings and I was so glad that we did!
If you’ve never been, wine tasting in Gilroy is so much less fussy than say Napa or Livermore. It’s more chill, down to earth, I guess more working class in general. We have visited as a group a few times in the past but I do not think we’d previously been in this part of the winter. It worked out in our favor, I think, since there weren’t any crowds and we had the second winery all to ourselves.
I’m no wine snob, I’m willing to try any wines, it’s fun. I particularly enjoy hearing origin stories of wineries or little family histories often told in such settings. I love hearing about each wines’ unique notes and stories, too. I feel it is a more guided journey rather than simply buying a bottle based on label and price point alone. It certainly tastes better anyway! Ha-ha! Each time I discover something new or find myself rethinking previously formed opinions.
I used to think I hated white wines, specifically chardonnays. Now I know I simply don’t care for the older style “buttery – oaky” finish. I have even bought bottles at wineries because I was so surprised by how much I liked something I didn’t think I would. I find that it forces me to check with myself and really pay attention. Plus our taste buds change over time so it’s always nice to find something new to enjoy when it was not pleasant before.
I was riding a pretty great buzz the entire day! When we got to the theater we found they had beer and wine and my friend Tom bought me a glass of Pinot Grigio, yum! We sat down and waited for the show to begin and that’s when P showed us this basket of a truly great snack mix on our table. I didn’t pay much attention at first but soon found myself munching away on tiny pretzels and cheesy crackers and other fun stuff in there. They even provided free snack refills! I don’t think I had been to that theater before but it was nice and accessible, even if the chairs weren’t the most comfortable, but that could have simply been that mine had a back leaning a bit far for my taste.
The show was really good! I had seen many iterations over the years, but it was the first time Jery had been in the show. The vocals were great and over all the show was a lot of fun. P and I were particularly in love with this one part where the three backup vocalists are outside the window of the flower shop and Jery made this face we all know too well and we were just splitting our sides over his dramatic face in an otherwise hilarious moment. It was brilliant! When you get to see your bestie take on so many big roles over the years it was awesome to see him have fun with one that would seem to be more background player but was in reality was integral to the show.
P is my favorite photobomber (my camera blurred him out).
Plus he’s always down for a selfie!
Real friends celebrate mutual silliness!
We all met up again for dinner afterwards at Applebee’s and were back to our usual silly selves. I swear we are like twelve year old boys when we’re together, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. There is a lot of love in our little crew. We’ve known each other for over twenty years. We give each other a lot of shit, but it always comes from a good place. It was a great day and they dropped me back off at my apartment when all was said and done. I just didn’t know that my night wasn’t completely over!
I was blissed out and still buzzing from the day’s boozin’ so I put on some music and started to groove a bit on my own. And then a song popped into my head! “Alexa, play Back to Life by Soul II Soul!” This is when I started to really dance around my house! Ha-ha! Then it was PM Dawn! Then it was Jon Secada! Then it was SWV! I was having the time of my damned life! Ha-ha! Just swaying and twirling in my kitchen and living room. The puggo never does appreciate it when I dance or sing for him. Such a grump! Ha!
I didn’t even turn on my television until I was pooped from dancing and needed to wind down before bed. I text some friends and even invited my FWB over, but they get up early for work and it was already 8pm. I did not even care, I was just wanting to share my good mood. Truly I cannot believe how happy I was and so carefree last night! And the best part is that I have no hangover what so ever! The key there is that I never got super drunk, I drank water throughout the day, and just kept drinking so it never peaked or valleyed. Not recommending this as an everyday life hack or anything, but damn I was feeling awesome! I think I am my best self when I am dancing and there is nothing wrong with that, regardless of sobriety.
I guess I needed to not only hang with loved ones but to also have that blissed out self care time as well. I’ve been doubling down on my self care because I know I usually deprioritize it. I had had a massage on Friday and felt so much better physically all weekend, too. If you live in Northern California or the SF Bay Area, I HIGHLY recommend
A Sovereign Embodiment for any body work or ritual/spiritual needs you may have. Also
check out and support the fundraiser if you are able to! It is such valuable and important work they are doing and they have given so much to our community already. I can personally attest to the quality of body and spiritual work they do. I had pain in my right foot for about two months, I knew it was nothing serious, but Irene investigated and worked out what felt like a million knots tangled into each other in the ball of my foot and not a day later I was dancing around without a care in the world! THAT IS SPECIAL! When she read my cards for the upcoming year I saw and felt things I both knew and didn’t want to. Ha-ha! This is work but it is necessary! Growth isn’t comfortable, but it vital!
I hope that you are able to do things that feed you, heal you, serve you, and get you to whatever your version of “blissed out and dancing in the living room” is! We all deserve to feel good in our bodies and tap into a purer form of our true selves from time to time. It may look and feel very different for you and that is fantastic! Whatever it is, just do it! You deserve it! Wooooooooooo!
I’m here for realness and sincerity, honesty and vulnerability, I’m here for the good and juicy bits of life that shine for me when I know I’m heading in the right direction.
Rad Fatty Love to ALL,

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Check out the Fat AF podcast on your favorite podcast app for all things fat sex with me and my BFF, Michaela! (You can listen straight from the web, too!)
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And as always, please feel free to drop me a line in comments here or write me an email, I love hearing from readers. (Tell me your troubles, I don’t judge.): notblueatall@notblueatall.com
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