
Friday 28 February 2014

The Ehrmann’s #MiximLove Queen Mary Extravaganza!

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Ehrmann MIXIM. All opinions are my own. This Valentine’s day, Aria, my partner James and I were invited to Ehrmann’s MiximLove event to celebrate the U.S. launch of the new Ehrmann Mixim Greek Yogurt. … Continue reading

via Skinned Knees

Jury Rigging —

Nomchelle has now completed three guest posts for Fierce Fatties. It’s now up to you, our readers, to decide whether she should officially be a part of our team. Voting will remain open for one week. One vote per person, please.

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Into the Mouths of Babes

This is the third guest post of our newest blogging candidate, Nomchelle. Today, we will vote on her inclusion. At the danger of sounding like an overachieving mum, last week my 12-year-old, Alex, cooked dinner for himself and his younger brothers. It was pasta with sausage and tomato. He dished up enormous portions and they […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Thursday 27 February 2014

Bottom of the Well

via Fat and Not Afraid


I just want to ask people to think before they say something (whether you think it is helpful or not) to anyone else about size and/or weight – how would you feel if someone said that to or in front of the fat people in your family, at your workplace, among your friends? Given the […]

via Fatties United!

Happy Horny Skinny —

Trigger warning: Graphic discussion of eating disorders and fat shaming. Back in 1999, Dr. Drew Pinsky, the popular addiction specialist turned TV and radio host, did something unconscionable that only caught up with him in 2012: A Boston judge on Thursday approved a record $3 billion guilty plea by British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline, which paid the […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Sharing IS Caring

I’d love to hear more about your job, and even more, how it changes your focus on taking care of yourself. There’s a lot of folks out there with real big hearts, who forget to take care of themselves in all the “other” taking-care-of. For instance, I have urges to volunteer all the time. However, […]

via NotBlueAtAll

the HAES® files: Beyond Awareness

by Fall Ferguson, JD, MA It’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week (NEDAW) in the U.S. this week (February 23-March 1, 2014). When I learned that my regularly scheduled post would be this week, I immediately began to contemplate what “new angle” on the HAES approach and eating disorders (EDs) I should try to address. Fortunately, […]

via Health At Every Size® Blog

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Who SHOULD Be On The Cover of The Swimsuit Issue?

(Instead of Barbie.) Here’s my suggestion: Lynne Cox. (Diana Nyad would be another good choice.) An offline acquaintance of mine recently recommended a book by Lynne Cox, Swimming To Antarctica. I haven’t read it, but I found a couple of good articles about Cox and her cold-water swims online. She also has her own website. […]

via closetpuritan

The Right To Face Value

I’m sure you’ve all heard the expression “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” Basically, it’s a caution against over-analysis, a reminder that sometimes, things really are simple and they really are as they seem. No one likes to be thought of as simple, and we tend to not like it when people make assumptions […]

via Dead of Winter

What’s Up Buttercup

Spending much of my day at a reception desk (directing happiness) I get to witness all sorts of human interactions. Since the desk is right beside the entrance to our cafeteria, I also hear a lot of food related talk. Not all of it is bad, but even when it seems to be going in […]

via NotBlueAtAll

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are linked with fat people and thin people, and the general belief that you can tell by looking at someone if that person has an eating disorder. So better understanding of such disorders leads to better understanding of their relationship (or lack thereof) with fatness and thinness. On a related note, I keep […]

via Fatties United!


I could scream. A study to validate a protocol meant to calculate population-level estimated energy requirements and physical activity is now being touted by its lead researcher (Edward Archer – zooming to the top of my “You’ve got to be kidding” list) as revealing that fat women get only 1 hour of “vigorous” exercise a […]

via Fatties United!

Nope, still not a disease.

Every once in a while, I get an email asking if I would host a guest blogger or if I would be interested in this infographic. Usually the blogger or infographic is completely inappropriate for my blog such as the...

via Fat Chicks Rule

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Trigger warning: Graphic discussion of eating disorders. For National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, I created a video. Partly because I need to do more vlogging and partly because I think it’s important that fat people with eating disorders get some visibility. If you’re having trouble seeing this video the transcript is below: Hi everyone. […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Steppin’ it Up!

Why is it so hard for us to take care of ourselves? More so, why do we feel like we have to justify it or feel the need to make excuses to not do it? It’s ridiculous! It is not selfish of you to take care of yourself, to look after your own wellness and […]

via NotBlueAtAll

Currently in February

via Fat and Not Afraid

Monday 24 February 2014

Musical Mondays: Say Something by Pentatonix

via The Well-Rounded Mama

New York Times Gets it All Wrong

A fairly terrible article appeared recently in the New York Times. The article, which I’ll not be linking to lest I give them traffic I don’t think they deserve, asked the question “should obesity be considered a disease.” Now, I would be thrilled if the authors were asking questions like – “how can [weight in […]

via Dances With Fat

Medical Self-Advocacy (and no weight loss talk!)

via Ampletude: gloriously unapologetic fatness


After reading this article and study, I’m thinking maybe classifying obesity as a disease isn’t an absolute negative after all. A New York Times article, however, disagrees with me and claims that while the classification improves body image (yay), it leads to acceptance of weight – and that’s a bad thing. Say what? […]

via Fatties United!

The Good, The Bad, and the Fuzzy Art Show with Bob Motown

Earlier this month, Aria, James & I went to the opening of The Good, the Bad and the Fuzzy at Shop Called Quest in Claremont, CA. I had never heard of Bob Motown before but when my friend, Ray, the … Continue reading

via Skinned Knees

Race for Life

This is the second guest post of our newest blogging candidate, Nomchelle. After her next post, we will vote on her inclusion. Trigger warning: Discussion of exercise as a weight loss tool. My 13-year-old thighs redden as I round the penultimate corner of the cross-country race. Somehow I’m ahead. Way ahead. I’ve hauled my chubby […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

What Does That Girl in the Bikini Have on You?

A few years ago, when I was pretty new to the whole fat acceptance scene, I was in the car with my husband and we passed a billboard for a plastic surgeon that featured a woman on the beach in a white bikini. Like this: I looked up at her svelte, tan, surgically-achieved body and […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

At the Fat Positive Clothes Swap

via Obesity Timebomb

Sunday 23 February 2014

Wheelie Fat Fashion

via Nudemuse...daily nattering.

Saturday 22 February 2014


Here’s a study that tries to measure the effect of being fat (weight and waist circumference) on living to 85 with reasonable health. They categorized the women into 5 groups, based on varying levels of chronic disease/illness and mobility disability, and concluded that being a fat old lady reduces your chances of having a […]

via Fatties United!

Friday 21 February 2014

Everybody’s a Critic, But You’re the Worst

Recently I tried to think back to a time when I wasn’t engaged in some sort of useless war against myself. It was difficult to imagine, but I finally had to admit that the last time I remember being without the weight of crippling personal criticism, was in the late 70s, when I was a […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Thursday 20 February 2014

How not to talk to Fat people on the internet.

via Nudemuse...daily nattering.

the HAES® files: DIY Decathlon – Winter Games for Every BODY

Originally posted on Health At Every Size® Blog:

by Jeanette DePatie, MA, ACE From the ASDAH Blog Committee: We have decided to change our posting date from Tuesdays to Thursdays, which will allow our bloggers and reviewers an improved time frame with which to communicate back and forth and ensure quality content gets posted to…

via The Fat Chick Sings

May Contain Fewer Zs

Please join us in welcoming our newest blogging candidate, Chelle. She will be submitting three guest posts before we vote on her inclusion. Trigger warning: Discussion of multiple weight loss attempts. I hate my story. I find it simultaneously boring and complex and, more than that, I’m always worried about coming across as whinging. It’s […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

The Value of Being Yourself

I’ve written at length here about being your most authentic self and staying true to that. I won’t be disagreeing with my past self, but I think I’ve often overlooked the struggle we can find ourselves in when searching for who we truly are. We are expected to know what we want to be and […]

via NotBlueAtAll

Welcome to Skinned Knees, Aria!

There’s a new member of the Skinned Knees family – Aria Maxmillian! You may have seen her on the blog before (here) and she’s been working hard behind the scenes taking photos for quite a few upcoming blog posts (including … Continue reading

via Skinned Knees

the HAES® files: DIY Decathlon – Winter Games for Every BODY

by Jeanette DePatie, MA, ACE From the ASDAH Blog Committee: We have decided to change our posting date from Tuesdays to Thursdays, which will allow our bloggers and reviewers an improved time frame with which to communicate back and forth and ensure quality content gets posted to the blog site every week. We apologize for […]

via Health At Every Size® Blog

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Another Update…

So, I have a new job. My title is “Director of Happiness” and I am owning that shit, for real! I love it so far. I had been training in the San Francisco office the last three weeks. My home office will be much closer to my home, which will be nice because the 90+ […]

via NotBlueAtAll

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Singing the Praises of Dehydrating Frozen Veggies

via The Well-Rounded Mama

Another Tumblr Question

Anonymous asked: As a person who’s made it my goal to make myself healthy, I feel like I should share this. I’m all for fat activism, but I think there needs to be a PSA about health. Being over weight is perfectly fine, but being HEALTHY is the most important. Trying to get on the […]

via Fat Body Politics

Fat Girls and Rape Culture

Trigger warning: Rape culture This is a topic I dread talking about. It’s majorly triggering for me and for so many other women (and men), but it’s something that needs to be addressed. Rape culture is prevalent, insidious, and normalized in our society. It’s everywhere, and every time someone tries to counter it they experience […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Another one lost

via suethsayings

Monday 17 February 2014

Prove It! Moby Dick 2 —

Trigger warning: This post is about a bogus weight loss product. tl;dr warning: This investigation is almost a month in the making and requires some depth to tell it right. Therefore, I have divided this into a two-part series. You can read the first part with transcripts of product claims here. Welcome back to part […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

This App just Made me Unhealthy

There is apparently a new fitness app that makes fun of fat people if you fail to lose weight. (If you are interested you can click on the link below but make sure your sanity points are high.) I watched...

via Fat Chicks Rule

Sunday 16 February 2014

No Justification

One of the interesting responses that I see when people discuss Health at Every Size are rants about how it’s all about justifying fatness and whatever stereotypical behavior the ranter ascribes to fat people. I want to talk about how to deal with this practically, because the more we put ourselves out there and challenge […]

via Dances With Fat

Music Monday: “Shut Up, Men Are Talking”

To quote the artist, Brooke Abbey: I read this great article by Mary Beard: …and this fell out. We’re sick of your death threats And “We’re Not All Like That”s Make space at the table and open your ears Make space at the table and open your ears Full lyrics and download are at […]

via Living ~400lbs

I heart Flabzilla

via Obesity Timebomb

Friday 14 February 2014

My Love Story

via Fat and Not Afraid

Another Biggest Loser season over, another new controversy

Trigger warning: Images of extreme weight loss and discussion of said weight loss. The negative reaction to the latest winner of The Biggest Loser, Rachel Fredrickson, might finally be the moment where the majority of viewers who thought this show was inspirational is actually just another piece of garbage in the increasingly growing landfill that […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Thursday 13 February 2014

eShakti — great concept, struggling execution

We all know finding plus-sized clothing is a pain. The topic has been beaten to death, and then there’s the occasional A&F zombie attack. I’m not a fan of forcing people to take my money or demand they cater to me when they’ve made it clear they don’t want my business. I’d rather support their […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

the HAES® files: Weight Weight…Don’t Tell Me

A film review by Dr. Deah Schwartz How do I review a film without giving anything away but still write enough about it to entice people to see it? I am referring to Julie Wyman’s wonderful and poignant new documentary, Strong! One of the factors that made the film so compelling was that I really […]

via Health At Every Size® Blog

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Prove It! Moby Dick 1 —

Trigger warning: This post is about a bogus weight loss product. tl;dr warning: This investigation is almost a month in the making and requires some depth to tell it right. Therefore, I am dividing this into a two-part series. Bear with me, it pays off in the end. February is a nice month, isn’t it? […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Monday 10 February 2014

Making Safe Space in Your Body

Ending dieting and embracing HAES has helped improve my health, but it’s still hard when I’m bombarded with messages that fat is bad. I need to do more about dealing with the stigma of having a big body in a...

via Fat Chicks Rule

Have an Emergency Food and Water Reserve

via The Well-Rounded Mama

Fat Girl as Ballerina

Just a passing thought I wanted to place somewhere rather than a well thought-out blog post: Spatially – I am aware of my body as I move through the world, as I navigate a larger-than-it-was-designed-for body through a never-ending obstacle … >> Read More

via Stacy Bias - Fat Activist and Body Image Campus Speaker

DIY: Springtime Butterfly Garland

Hi friends! The weather has been warm off and on here in Los Angeles and it has me super excited for Spring! While there isn’t a big change in terms of climate, there are lots of animals and insects peeking … Continue reading

via Skinned Knees

Making My Dream Come True

via Fat and Not Afraid

Eating the Food: Eight Weeks

Trigger warning: Discussion of calorie counting in order to eat enough food to meet daily caloric requirements. As I write this, it’s day 56 of my 100 day Eat the Food experiment. This is my eight-week follow-up. Just as a reminder, I decided eight weeks ago to eat above my base metabolic rate (BMR) for […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Sunday 9 February 2014

Again with the centering thin White ciswomen.

via Nudemuse...daily nattering.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Join Ehrmann USA on the Love Boat This Valentine’s Day! #MIXIMLOVE

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Ehrmann MIXIM. All opinions are my own. I’m so excited to tell you about an amazing Valentine’s Day event for LA and OC locals sponsored by Ehrmann USA! But first – let me tell … Continue reading

via Skinned Knees

Friday 7 February 2014

Bridge Too Far —

Trigger warning: This post is all about Biggest Loser, eating disorders, calorie counting and weight loss diets. I need a few more days for me The Big Project, which will drop next week. So for now, I just want to reflect on the brou ha ha that sprung up around The Biggest Dickweed‘s 15th Inglourious […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Thursday 6 February 2014

The Autoimmune Diet

Serious trigger warning: Eating disorder discussion with calorie counting and diet talk. I have a new doctor. I sort of got him by accident. My general practitioner recommended him but at first I ended up seeing his nurse practitioner for my thyroid needs. Still, the head office peeps recommend I see him to “establish care.” […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

New E-Course: 30 Days Of Body Love!

It’s February and love (and a bunch of snow) is in the air. If you’re anything like I used to be, you’re probably thrilled that the polar vortex is requiring you to wear tons of layers. You may feel covered up and less insecure in your bulky winter gear. But it’s not like your body [...]

via Body Love Wellness

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Pursuing An Agenda

Earlier today, Melissa McEwan tweeted: Scrolling back, I saw Melissa’s prior tweet was regarding Dylan Farrow: “I am speaking about this because it is wrong; I am speaking in solidarity with Dylan Farrow; I am speaking in defense of my own survival.” This blew me away. In retrospect it seems silly — of course people […]

via Living ~400lbs

Skepchick, Teen Skepchick, and Fat Positivity

Here’s another great fat-positive post on Skepchick, cross-posted from Teen Skepchick. Since Skepchick is not a fat acceptance blog as such, I’m always pleased when they venture into that realm, and to me they have the right attitude about it, unlike some in the skeptical community. This post captures the moment when the writer looked […]

via Fatties United!

Freaked Out By Rachel Fredrickson’s Biggest Loser Win? Read This.

When my Biggest Loser exposé got over 5,000 views before 10AM this morning, I knew something was up in BiggestLoserLand. Turns out that last night, The Biggest Loser crowned a new winner, Rachel Fredrickson, who lost nearly 60% of her body weight. She went from 260 pounds to a gaunt 105 pounds to win the [...]

via Body Love Wellness

People Suck

Spring semester started a couple of weeks ago here in Texas and I am in full swing in college. I’m taking 17 credit hours this semester! Blah. First day back to my program after a semester’s forced absence wasn’t a great homecoming. In fact, I had to force myself to go again. Oh awful. Because […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Trigger Warnings for What Now?

So, twice in the last week, I’ve seen posts in fat-positive Facebook communities with a “trigger warning” for “unpopular opinions.” It seemed like a snarky mockery of both trigger warnings in general and of people wanting to carve out fat-friendly spaces where diet talk is not allowed. If you’re not familiar with trigger warnings, the […]

via Kelly Thinks Too Much

Supraumbilical Incisions Associated with Greater Risk in Obese Women

via The Well-Rounded Mama

Call for Photos

On March 25th I will be doing a presentation at Oakland University in Rochester Hills, Mi titled “Dissenting Bodies – Visibility, Fat Politics and Challenging Normal” during their Women’s History Month Series. Part of the presentation will center on people reclaiming their bodies by becoming visible. This will be very similar to what I wrote […]

via Fat Body Politics

What is Body Acceptance?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what Body Acceptance really means. Here’s what I think. I think that Body Acceptance means recognizing that what you see in that picture up there is my body. And it’s a good body. It’s done some amazing things and been amazing places and it carries me through every […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

the HAES® files: Infiltrating the Fitness Industry

by Michelle Pitman, Certified Personal Trainer It has been almost four years since I embarked on the journey of leaving my corporate gig and venturing into the fitness industry as a personal trainer. My coaching style has evolved over time while the fitness industry continues to “fight the war on obesity” and help people get […]

via Health At Every Size® Blog

Monday 3 February 2014

More reasons that dieting doesn't work at all

Market Watch has a top ten list of what the Diet Industry won't tell you. #2 is dieting makes you fat. While the point of a diet is to lose weight, often the reverse happens: We end up fatter than...

via Fat Chicks Rule

Fatshion: Channeling Peggy Bundy

I feel like I’m channeling a fat Peggy Bundy with this outfit. I’m not sure why. I’m not all femme’d out with big hair or heels and I’m not rockin’ a spandex top, HOWEVER, the belt and the leggings just … Continue reading

via Skinned Knees

Culture Wars

Last post I talked about my optimism toward 2014, when people will become empowered through technology. One thing I am sick of hearing is, “I don’t see any ____s on TV, so I don’t watch TV.” Some days you can’t turn around without hearing it. Usually someone points out to the person complaining that there […]

via Fierce, Freethinking Fatties

Sunday 2 February 2014

Trench Composting

via The Well-Rounded Mama

Saturday 1 February 2014

Near-fatal fat bias by emergency room doc

Erica writes: I’m in the not quite thin, not quite fat range. I’m considered lean by my doctor who is really nice about weight as per my husband who is slightly overweight, but in excellent health. I’m built sturdy and gain/keep muscle mass easily. I grew up very involved in sports, possibly to a negative. […]

via First, Do No Harm

Labor Day with James Van Der Beek and #LaborDayMamarazzi!

My bestie, Aria Maxmillian, and I attended a screening of the new movie, Labor Day, with a Q&A session with James Van Der Beek! The screening was courtesy of Xenia from Raised by Culture, The Moms, and Paramount Studios. Hop … Continue reading

via Skinned Knees