Tuesday 29 September 2015
PCOS Treatment: Anti-Androgen Medications
via The Well-Rounded Mama http://ift.tt/1KJKOOG
Little Acts, Big Fat Revolution
I got an e-mail from a reader today saying “I want a world without weight stigma. But I’m not the kind of person who will strip in my town square, or do a professional photoshoot in my underwear. Is there any place for me in fat activism?” It’s a question I get a lot. Many of […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1L1zmPR
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1L1zmPR
Monday 28 September 2015
Vegetarian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #justaddrice #CollectiveBias Hey friends! I’ve got a fun vegetarian recipe for stuffed cabbage rolls to share with you today. I love cabbage rolls but … Continue reading →
via http://ift.tt/1h4XRiG
via http://ift.tt/1h4XRiG
Feeling the Fear with Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement
via Obesity Timebomb http://ift.tt/1WsYsLi
Sunday 27 September 2015
Some Thoughts on Gluttony
I’ve already mentioned that I get really tired of the conflation of having a fat body with the sin of gluttony. The times that I’ve seen gluttony addressed in a Christian, religious context, “fat” is usually used as a shorthand for gluttony, and eating in any way that doesn’t make you thin (or at least […]
via Kelly Thinks Too Much http://ift.tt/1iUUD3k
via Kelly Thinks Too Much http://ift.tt/1iUUD3k
Saturday 26 September 2015
Should you fire someone for fat-hating texts? (Probably not.)
I recently read this Ask a Manager post about a woman who was fired over private text messages. Basically, a retail employee was on her way home from work, texting her boyfriend to complain about the fat woman sitting next to her. Her words were “the fat cow sitting next to me is taking up […]
via Kelly Thinks Too Much http://ift.tt/1gYTENx
via Kelly Thinks Too Much http://ift.tt/1gYTENx
Kiss Your Babies
via The Well-Rounded Mama http://ift.tt/1jlp4PY
Friday 25 September 2015
Achievement Unlocked: Eating with an Eating Disorder
As I sit here with a belly that is nourished and a sense of satisfaction with myself that I haven’t known in some time I have to recognize how difficult things most folks take for granted are. I have anorexia. I’ve had it since I was sixteen. When my PTSD, anxiety or depression symptoms arise, […]
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1KEbm0l
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1KEbm0l
Fatshion Friday: SmartGlamour Body Positive Fashion Show
So, last Friday, I had the opportunity to head out to the city to see a Body Positive Fashion Show that showcased Smart Glamour’s latest collection. And I thought…body positive? This sounds awesome! It totally was! There was so much diversity on the runway, from race to body type to height. Everyone looked amazing and […]
via Evolution of a Fat Fashionista http://ift.tt/1NRk29c
via Evolution of a Fat Fashionista http://ift.tt/1NRk29c
the HAES® files: Weight Isn’t the Real Problem – Weight Biased Healthcare IS
by Jes Baker Note: This is a modified excerpt from Jes Baker’s upcoming book Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls, out October 27, 2015. The majority of opinions about fat (which isn’t a bad word or thing to be) people and health still fall into two general camps that go something like: (1) Fat […]
via Health At Every Size® Blog http://ift.tt/1OypMGu
via Health At Every Size® Blog http://ift.tt/1OypMGu
Thursday 24 September 2015
This Is What Community Care Looks Like
Depression: 1, Social Life: 0 This has been my favorite place lately. I mean, my bed is a safe place for me always but sometimes, like lately, I need that safety more than other times. My depression has stolen my … Continue reading →
via http://ift.tt/1R2XXEG
via http://ift.tt/1R2XXEG
Wednesday 23 September 2015
New York Fashion Week Plus Recap
Hey y’all! So, before my internet went all over the place, I had a chance to see some presentations during New York Fashion Week (NYFW). No, not those shows (although I’m working on it!) This was a different set of presentations, for plus size fashion. Hence the fancy name: NYFW+. You already know how here I was […]
via Evolution of a Fat Fashionista http://ift.tt/1Ptf7Kx
via Evolution of a Fat Fashionista http://ift.tt/1Ptf7Kx
the HAES® files: Fighting the Good Fight Against Weight Stigma: Start with Yourself
by Marsha Hudnall, MS, RD As I write this post, I am set to turn 66 in five days. And I didn’t want to go to the doctor last week because I knew had gained weight. I don’t weigh myself but you know when you know. I didn’t expect my doctor to shame me. But […]
via Health At Every Size® Blog http://ift.tt/1QZCKv8
via Health At Every Size® Blog http://ift.tt/1QZCKv8
On the Power of Sisterhood
I went to an event called TEDx Pasadena Women last night and it was amazing. I don’t know why I am still sometimes surprised after all these years about the power of women and the power of sisterhood. I’ve had decades of experience that tell me that when I a group of women get together, […]
via http://ift.tt/1QZCKeK
via http://ift.tt/1QZCKeK
Tuesday 22 September 2015
This Wicked World
Stress is a sneaky, tricky beast. We’re so used to living with a certain amount of stress that often when more gets heaped upon us we hardly notice. Or, if we do notice, we do our very best to go about our lives as usual. Bad move! (Let’s not get into the good versus bad […]
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1KtAqub
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1KtAqub
Monday 21 September 2015
Some days even the “just breathe” part is hard.
We are expected to always put on a brave face, a happy-smiling face for the world to see. We are supposed to keep our pain inside and talk only of pleasantries. As a femme with PTSD, anxiety and depression, this means that I pretty much always have to “fake it” on some level at all […]
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1Ls3DI2
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1Ls3DI2
Up and Running!
Hey lovelies! I was off last week with some technical difficulties, and they seem to have all been sorted out (fingers crossed this post makes it up!) So now that my internet actually works, I can get back to editing all of the pics I took from New York Fashion Week plus (and I have […]
via Evolution of a Fat Fashionista http://ift.tt/1OpXlKK
via Evolution of a Fat Fashionista http://ift.tt/1OpXlKK
Fatshion: Big Cats and Big Flowers
Hey friends! This is one of those outfits I wore months ago but never got around to posting like I mentioned here. Luckily, it easily works for fall! I have no idea what was going on the day I took … Continue reading →
via http://ift.tt/1NH5qct
via http://ift.tt/1NH5qct
Indexing Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement
via Obesity Timebomb http://ift.tt/1KGKD7S
Sunday 20 September 2015
Just Hanging Out, Glorifying Obesity
In that super questionable video I posted about, one of the “I’m fat but” statements was “I’m fat but I’m not glorifying obesity.” No shit. Because “glorifying obesity” is not really a thing. Fat people being happy, doing stuff, living our lives, achieving things, being in the spotlight etc. are just being happy, doing stuff, […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1KsF4q8
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1KsF4q8
Gastric bypass patients should consider reversal!
via suethsayings http://ift.tt/1OIdb2w
Saturday 19 September 2015
P.A.D.S. Saturday–Dance to your own beat
Hey kids! My birthday falls on a Saturday this year so here we go. A special birthday edition P.A.D.S. Saturday submission. What is P.A.D.S. Saturday you ask? It’s Public Acts of Dancing Spontaneously. I know this isn’t entirely spontaneous. This kid has done a bunch of these Apple store dance recordings. He’s famous for them. […]
via http://ift.tt/1gALniK
via http://ift.tt/1gALniK
Friday 18 September 2015
Depression Isn’t Just About the Sads
I haven’t been blogging much over the past few months. This is why. I am trying to take big steps to get better but that takes a lot of energy that I don’t have very often lately. Just writing this … Continue reading →
via http://ift.tt/1in7N89
via http://ift.tt/1in7N89
Thursday 17 September 2015
Bullying is Ugly–Softening the Story helps NO ONE. Why we Need to Look at it with “A Brave Heart”
This ugly, UGLY picture was taken today of a poster that was taped to a wall at Northern High School in Calvert County, MD. There’s a lot of argument about the poster–which we will get to in a minute. But in the meantime, let me tell you just what interesting timing this poster has for […]
via http://ift.tt/1LkWSaL
via http://ift.tt/1LkWSaL
They Went A Walking
via Fat and Not Afraid http://ift.tt/1P3aOFv
Wednesday 16 September 2015
The Audacity of Fat Confidence
Being fat and being confident in western society will often be met with, “Um…that’s not a thing!” or “Aw, how brave!” or the all too familiar, “How dare you!” Yeah because how dare I not fit into the stereotype of the sloppy, smelly, sad fatty who only leaves the house to buy alltehfoodz! *RageFace* Being confident […]
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1iQqQIG
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1iQqQIG
When Challenging Stereotypes Becomes Oppression
There is a video making the rounds that people keep sending me enthusiastically. It’s a video of people saying “I’m fat but…” and “I’m fat and….” I think that the people who made it were well intentions, and some of the things are very cool – like reminding people (because sadly some people need to be […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1LxpGIR
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1LxpGIR
Tuesday 15 September 2015
Not Jolly and Not Sorry (Letting go my need to make everybody laugh…)
I recently spoke at the Environmental Awards in Irwindale. My speech was called No BODY Left Behind–Workplace Wellness for All. I talked about workplace wellness in terms of four “i-opening” words–information, incentive, invitation and inspiration. I must give credit where it is due. Jon Robison and Rosie Ward and their fabulous new book “How to […]
via http://ift.tt/1F0O34W
via http://ift.tt/1F0O34W
Please Don’t Fuck Me: How Not to Be an Ally to Fat Folks
As a fat person, coming to terms with my own physical and sexual attractiveness may well be one of the hardest bits of self-work I’ve had to do. In college, the first time my first boyfriend mentioned the idea of sex, I remember standing in the doorway of my room looking confusedly at him and […]
via Single, Fat, and Happy » Bodies http://ift.tt/1NsTN8E
via Single, Fat, and Happy » Bodies http://ift.tt/1NsTN8E
Rad Fatty Merit Badge Sticker Packs Now Available!
The morning after that terrible woman’s “Dear Fat People” video launched on YouTube, I woke up thinking “I deserve a @(#&(* Merit Badge for not flying over to Canada to sit on her”. So, I designed one (and a few … >> Read More
via Stacy Bias - Fat Activist and Body Image Campus Speaker http://ift.tt/1KdNBPJ
via Stacy Bias - Fat Activist and Body Image Campus Speaker http://ift.tt/1KdNBPJ
Monday 14 September 2015
Fat People and Faulty Assumptions
The war on obesity is built on a bunch of faulty assumptions: The assumption that fat people who are able to suppress their weight will have the same health outcomes of people who have never been fat. That has never been proven (partially because weight loss almost never works long term, so there haven’t been enough fat […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1EXozp3
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1EXozp3
Sunday 13 September 2015
Questions about NAAFA
If you didn’t know, NAAFA is the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, and was the first fat rights group. It was a truly important force in the fat acceptance movement in the 1970s and the 1980s, through part of the 1990s. To put it kindly, it is less so today. Its website is www.naafa.org; […]
via Fatties United! http://ift.tt/1ioSahi
via Fatties United! http://ift.tt/1ioSahi
Friday 11 September 2015
FanExpo Canada 2015 THE BLOG
via Fat and Not Afraid http://ift.tt/1KJ7uBy
Activism is Not a Dirty Word
My blog post yesterday and my talk about the upcoming Fat Activism Conference have drawn some responses from fellow fat people around the idea that “activism” is somehow a bad thing. I received the following e-mail, republished with permission, that echoed sentiments I saw in several conversations online: You keep talking about “activism” but isn’t it enough […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1KczXsV
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1KczXsV
Thursday 10 September 2015
Music Heals, Music Saves
You know how I talk about pushing myself out of my comfort zone a lot? Well, I do that shit! But sometimes, it’s extra hard to do that shit! Even when it’s something I really wanna do. Even when it’s something I’ve done hundreds of times. We change so much over time but we don’t […]
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1EZ242S
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1EZ242S
Fatshion: Those Leggings Again
Friends, I have been in the biggest slump over the past few months ever. And by slump, I mean my chronic depression has taken a big toll on my life and I am slowly trying to come out of it. … Continue reading →
via http://ift.tt/1KaHHvL
via http://ift.tt/1KaHHvL
Disturbing Responses to that Fat Hate Video
By now you’ve probably seen or heard about that ridiculous fat shaming video by that ridiculous fat shaming bigot. If not, consider yourself lucky. Regardless I’m not going to talk about it that much – bigot engages in bigoted troll behavior for attention, not news. What concerns me are some of the responses that I’m […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1iyvOK3
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1iyvOK3
Wednesday 9 September 2015
Surviving the Survival
Hi. *Waves* How’s it going? *Smiles* I just wanted to provide a bit of an update, assure folks that I’m alive and well and honestly doing much better than my previous post would lead one to believe. (Referring to this and even more so this post.) Somewhere in SoCal, across the street from a gas […]
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1UCBHqw
via NotBlueAtAll http://ift.tt/1UCBHqw
Tuesday 8 September 2015
In a World of “Click Bait Hate” Let’s Share a Little Love
On Saturday’s post, I hinted about certain people that serve as a proxy for hate. They say the things that people no longer may wish to say for fear of reprisal. They serve as a lightning rod for gleeful malevolence. They act ugly to win clicks. And by Jiminy, it certainly works. I referred to […]
via http://ift.tt/1IW5RsS
via http://ift.tt/1IW5RsS
The Loving Our Body Lie
One of the most common and most damaging lies perpetuated by those justifying fat shaming/fat hate, selling diets, and perpetuating a sizeist culture was sent to me in a comment today: If we allow women to love their bodies regardless of their size then they will never take good care of them! So many wrong […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1ELRvAj
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1ELRvAj
Monday 7 September 2015
Street Art Antics at The Line Hotel
Hey friends! I’m just popping in to share some photos from FOREVER ago during the We All Grow Summit. My roommate at The Line Hotel (who is also my awesome amiga), Linda from UpNTheNuves, and I were planning these photos … Continue reading →
via http://ift.tt/1XC15fk
via http://ift.tt/1XC15fk
When Your Holiday BBQ becomes a Fat-Shaming Roast
Here in the US we are celebrating Labor Day weekend. For many people that means time with family, with a BBQ being a very traditional way to spend that time. I’ve already heard from a number of readers whose families are behaving badly – setting out a feast and then using the opportunity to food police, […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1UwoAar
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1UwoAar
Saturday 5 September 2015
Dear Fat People
Dear Fat People, Have you been told today you're beautiful? You are. You are a beautiful, valued, and productive member of society. What you eat is your own business. Your health is between you and your doctor. The people whose...
via Fat Chicks Rule http://ift.tt/1PTtN5r
via Fat Chicks Rule http://ift.tt/1PTtN5r
Agents .000007–License to Hate (Electing hate proxy holders to be mean for us)
Okay (deep breath). There’s a video that surfaced on YouTube yesterday by a woman named Nicole called “Dear Fat People” (There is no force on earth that will compel me to link to that ish). It is seven minutes of unadulterated, unbelievably crappy hate wrapped up in concern trolling. I mean this video is truly […]
via http://ift.tt/1Olp8Zx
via http://ift.tt/1Olp8Zx
Friday 4 September 2015
the HAES® files: Metabolic versus Cosmetic Fitness
by Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD We currently live in a culture that believes health comes in only one body size: thin. People (including physicians and other health care providers) make all kinds of assumptions about a person’s health just by looking at them (or calculating their BMI). Lucy Aphramor, co-author of the book Body Respect […]
via Health At Every Size® Blog http://ift.tt/1ilCURR
via Health At Every Size® Blog http://ift.tt/1ilCURR
Partner is a foodie, I’m a picky eater. Fights ensue.
Here’s another question from readers of Mealtime Hostage. My significant other is a foodie, and I’m a picky eater. I’m tired of hearing how terrible my diet is and being asked to try new foods. We just had a big fight about my eating, and I feel so disconnected and hurt. Listen up, foodies. I […]
via The Fat Nutritionist http://ift.tt/1Qdqnvb
via The Fat Nutritionist http://ift.tt/1Qdqnvb
Alton Brown is Fat Shaming Again
I don’t know if Alton Brown is in the George Takei Club, or if George Takei is in the Alton Brown Club, or maybe they’re both in the Ariana Grande Club. Regardless, just in case anyone wasn’t clear that Alton Brown is a weight bigot, he’s done his best to prove it in a recent article in […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1NQPLIH
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1NQPLIH
Thursday 3 September 2015
Fat Healthcare – The Good, The Bad, and The Progress
In response to a campaign that speaks out about, and seeks to stop, doctors shaming women who are members of oppressed populations, Dr. Lisa Girgis has penned a spectacular tribute to derailment, tone-deafness and victim blaming. I wrote about it for the ASDAH Blog. So this was at the top of my mind when I read several articles […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1NZEBk3
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1NZEBk3
Wednesday 2 September 2015
I just read this article on Yahoo: “How to Talk to Your Kids About Weight – 6 Dos and Don’ts” I have one suggestion – DON’T. Read the article. http://ift.tt/1PLHd3u Every one of the suggestions is a good idea. Focus on health, do not focus on weight or looks. Except the way the article is written, […]
via Fatties United! http://ift.tt/1PLHdQR
via Fatties United! http://ift.tt/1PLHdQR
.#SimplyBeYourself Campaign.
via My Plus Size Life http://ift.tt/1fVjzW3
the HAES® files: Malpractice with a Side of Victim Blaming
by Ragen Chastain In response to an article pointing out the issues with shaming of Women of Color, fat women, Trans women, and women with multiple sex partners, Dr. Lisa Girgis has penned a spectacular tribute to derailment, tone-deafness and victim blaming. Let’s break it down: In the September issue of “Women’s Health Magazine”, there appears a […]
via Health At Every Size® Blog http://ift.tt/1N2GN9C
via Health At Every Size® Blog http://ift.tt/1N2GN9C
Study: Diet Culture is Screwing Up Five Year Old Girls
If you were looking for proof that our culture is unbelievably messed up around dieting, you need look no farther than the fact that a study has come out called “Dietary restraint of 5-year-old girls: Associations with internalization of the thin ideal and maternal, media, and peer influences.” Yes, we have reached a point where […]
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1JxxPwE
via Dances With Fat http://ift.tt/1JxxPwE
Tuesday 1 September 2015
Sundries, August 2015
(CN sexual assault) A summary of films I saw over the past month with fat characters that I didn’t write about. Super (2010, dir. James Gunn) Mr. Range (Don Mac) is a powerful drug dealer who does business with Jacques (Kevin Bacon). Jacques has procured several women to entertain Mr. Range during their transaction, but […]
via Consistent Panda Bear Shape http://ift.tt/1KFWmUG
via Consistent Panda Bear Shape http://ift.tt/1KFWmUG
Fat Activism Conference 2015
via Ampletude: gloriously unapologetic fatness http://ift.tt/1hSbzHg
Lipedema Series, Part 6: Finding Clothing That Works
via The Well-Rounded Mama http://ift.tt/1LJcX8t
This is part three of a series in which I respond to the author of this: http://ift.tt/1JkVEHO And Ms. Weinberg, reducing calorie intake and increasing calorie expenditure does not always lead to weight loss. And while the arithmetic (calories in = calories out) seems simple, the results are not because the human body is not […]
via Fatties United! http://ift.tt/1N8hO6z
via Fatties United! http://ift.tt/1N8hO6z
Half in the Data Dark, We’ve More Work to Do!
Today, I read a horrifying statistic about the state of statistics. A group called All Trials has flatly stated that of all the clinical trials, encompassing hundreds of thousands of patients, 50% have never reported the results. They state this, and offer this research to back it up. One can speculate many reasons why various […]
via http://ift.tt/1igwLGD
via http://ift.tt/1igwLGD
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