
Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Kintsukuroi Repaired with Love

You may have seen this image floating around the last little while:

The philosophy here is as beautiful as one of the pieces; Japanese aesthetics values marks of wear by the use of an object. This can be seen as a rationale for keeping an object around even after it has broken and as a justification of kintsugi itself, highlighting the cracks and repairs as simply an event in the life of an object rather than allowing its service to end at the time of its damage or breakage."

While chatting with Ryan last night I came to fully understand and embrace a concept that I've been learning slowly for years; being broken, and repaired, is OK. I'll often say when feeling sad or depressed or triggered, Sorry, I'm broken. Or sorry I'm broken. (Punctuation is important!) I know where my fault lines are, where I've been shattered apart and rebuilt and despite it being corny or dramatic, I realize that those cracks and scars have been repaired with love. They glitter with that most precious of things.

Every time I break it's love that repairs me; the love of my children and mine for them, the love of my wonderful husband and mine for him, and the love of my extended friends and family. It pours, drips or trickles in as I allow, when the jagged edges are prepared to be joined again. Love sustains and heals and strengthens me until not only am I stronger than before but also more beautiful-not in a shallow, skin deep and fleeting manner but deeper, more interesting. My mental and emotional scars allow me to shine a golden and compassionate glow on others, to channel empathy and understanding. Only through being broken and repaired can I understand another's pain and need for healing.

via Fat and Not Afraid